Neighbors can make or break the experience you have in your home. Good neighbors may feel hard to come by, or you may live in a neighborhood where your neighbors are like family. I have been lucky to live in a few wonderful neighborhoods that offered long lasting friendships for myself and my family, and have a few tips on how to cultivate a neighborly culture in your area.
- Get outside! This is how you can actually meet your neighbors organically. For me, it has always been playing outside with the kids and during this time you are bound to run into neighbors returning home from work, out for a walk etc. Strike up a conversation and maybe set up another time to meet outside to play.
- Send a treat- The old school “bring cookies to the new neighbors” still works! Though if you are not a baker, there are some options now like Tiff’s Treats that allow you to send a yummy treat to a neighbor. Make sure to include a quick introduction (maybe also a description of your house or address) and also make sure to include your phone number so they can reach out to you. This gesture makes someone feel welcome and cared about, and can open the door for future conversations.